Cd.dome is a pseudo architecture shaped as a dome, built by a thousand CDs recovered from the landfill.
The dome was designed carefully in relation with the Roman Archaeological Site of Montegrotto Terme, near Padua, were it had to be installed.
My input was in making a "comparison" between very diverse objects (the stone ruins and the recovered CDs) considering both of them techic products created by absolutely different ideologies with the common purpose of storing memory.
Roman ruins represent the ideology of eternity and preserve that ideology; the thrown away CDs, become relics at the time of their leaving off, represent the contemporary disposable ideology.
The unorthodox comparison appeared very evidently, in the harsh optical contrast between the Roman ruins opacity and the shining contemporary dome.

installation (1000 recovered CDs): passeggiata effimera: archaeological site in Montegrotto Terme (Padua)           photo: Sergio Marcelli