Why Nature, our predominant past enemy became something constantly endangered, a fragile entity to be protected?
The imposing growth of science and technology radically changed our relationship with Nature, increasing separation. What has not really changed is the way we think about Nature. To us, Nature is always the origin, the positive principle, reality and perfection, lost happiness, harmony, immediacy to be regained. 
This univocal thought postulates naively the existence of an ontological reality of Nature providing those values, always positive, defining objectively what is the natural. 
This thought does not consider that defining Nature (and what is natural) is inevitably a cultural process, a process which varies according to historical periods and social groups. 
In other words, the image of Nature we know and we trust is actually a linguistic and conceptual construction of the West.
This is enough to move away from the concept of Nature, promoting instead the idea of natures (in the plural), that is the set of processes leading to cultural production of the natural.
It is maybe worthless saying that, in a context of multiple natures, the boundary between natural and artificial is absolutely relative: is Nature natural?

Cartaginese _ Mangiaterra:  installazione: erba sintetica e prato naturale  Land Art al Furlo  Casa degli Artisti (Fossombrone) _  2012 / PAC3 Inteatro (Polverigi) _ 2014